
User guide


  1. General
  2. Available interactions
  3. Time flow multiplier
  4. Buttons
  5. Search
  6. Visibility settings and extra information
  1. General:

    • For higher performance it's recommended to hide some satellites (see 6. Visibility settings and extra information section).
    • Performance will be better with lower time flow multiplier values (see 3. Time flow multiplier section).
    • By default 2 satellite categories ("Debris" and "Other") are hidden to increase initial performance and user experience.
    • If time flow multiplier (see 3. Time flow multiplier section) is 0, simulation time will still keep on going forwards in time with the multiplier speed of 1x in the background, so changing time flow multiplier to a value other than 0 will make satellite positions jump a bit.
  2. Available interactions:

    • Single click on satellite point (or label if visible) - shows satellite orbit path and extra satellite information. If its orbit and extra information is already visible, it will be turned off instead.
    • Single click on satellite orbit path - turns off the orbit but leaves extra satellite information visible.
    • Double click on satellite point - does the same thing as a single click but also starts tracking the satellite. Simulation camera will center on the tracked satellite.
    • To stop tracking a satellite you can:
      1. Click on the 1st button (see 4. Buttons section). This will also reset the camera to the default view.
      2. Double click on an empty place where there are no buttons or satellites. This leaves camera in the same position, which might be hard to control.
  3. Time flow multiplier:

    Time flow multiplier is the slider at the bottom of the screen. It controls the speed of the simulation by multiplying it by the displayed number. Positive number - satellites will move forwards. Negative number - satellites will move backwards. 0 - satellites will not move. If time flow multiplier is not 0, a "STOP" button will be displayed next to the multiplier. Clicking on it will reset the time flow multiplier to 0.

  4. Buttons:

    1. - Resets camera position to default and stops tracking a satellite if one is currently being tracked.
    2. - Clears screen from extra entities: turns off satellite orbits and labels; restores satellite point sizes to default.
    3. - Toggles browser fullscreen mode.
    4. - Shows user guide.
  5. Visibility settings and extra information:

    • "Options" button - opens visibility settings. Clicking on category name toggles the visibility of satellites for that category. The number in parentheses is the number of satellites in that category.
    • "Options" > "Learn about this project" button - attribution and some information about the project.

Time flow multiplier: 0x (Stopped)